Department of Humanities
Welcome!!! Department of Humanities, GPC Harda.
- About Department
- Vision & Mission
- Time Table
- Faculties
- Laboratories
- The Department of Humanities is one of the oldest departments of the institute started in 1962 for all first year Students.
- It has three laboratories : Chemistry Lab, Physics lab & Communication Skill Language Lab.
Coming Soon!!!
Coming Soon!!
I/C Principal
Chemistry Lab

- The students are given training in analytical methods and are taught about the need and application of engineering materials.
- Competencies developed in students to attain relevant POs (Programme Outcomes) thereby will be useful to perform the job in solving problems in the field of Engineering, Industries and in day-today life relevant to Chemistry.
Physics Lab

- Well equipped Physics lab, can comfortably accommodate 30 students/ batch.
- Physics laboratory introduces new concepts and techniques which have a wide application in experimental science.
- The theoretical concepts and relationships introduced in theory are practically performed in the laboratories.
- Laboratory experiments have been set up keeping consistency with the theory so that the students can understand the applications of the laws and principles of physics.
Communication Skill Language Lab

- To promote holistic student personality development, the college facilitates students to polish their spoken and listening skills viz. language lab activities.
- The activities are focused around polishing the language used for communication in the global technological world.
- The Language lab plays a crucial role in developing the communication skills of our students which would also brighten their prospects in placement activities.