Government Polytechnic College, Harda

GPC Harda, Main building
Spoken Tutorial Online Test Certificate Distribution
M.P. Start-UP Conclave 2022
Virtual View @ GPC HARDA

Welcome!!! Government Polytechnic College, Harda

The Government Polytechnic College, Harda was established under Government of India Scheme named KHULA DWAR in the year 1962. To run and control the institution the HARDA TECHNICAL EDUCATION SOCIETY was formed and registered under society ACT Madhya Pradesh. As per the Government of India scheme 40% of the AAWARTI and ANAWARTI expenses was received

Our Vision

To be an academic institution in dynamic equilibrium with its social, ecological & economic environment striving continuously for excellence in education & technology services to the nation.


Our Mission

To nurture the intellectual growth of our students and to serve humanity through the creation, application and dissemination of knowledge relevant to technology.


Innovation Details

The college has conducted various programmes for Staff and Students in last three years. The college is blessed with abundance of other facilities and co- curricular and extra- curricular activities.

Latest News

» Modified Timetable of Diploma Engineering Examination January-2025: Click here