Department of Civil Engineering
Welcome!!! Department of Civil Engineering, GPC Harda.
- About Department
- Vision & Mission
- Time Table
- Faculties
- Laboratories
- The Department of Civil Engineering is one of the oldest departments of the institute started in 1962.
- It offers three years diploma in civil engineering. The department has highly qualified and dedicated faculties.
- Civil department is equipped with all the laboratories necessary for a diploma engineer.
- Department of civil engineering has four laboratories: Material Testing Lab, Soil Mechanics Lab, Surveying Lab, PHE Lab.
Coming Soon!!!
Coming Soon!!
Shri Shubham Agrawal
Lecturer, I/C HOD
Shri. Abhishek Purohit
Shri. Shivam Arya
Shri. Mukesh Ahirwar
Material Testing Lab
- The purpose of material testing lab is to find out the properties of various raw material to check their quality and suitability according to the work.
- This lab is equipped with slump cone test, concrete mixer, compressive testing machine, abrasion testing machine etc.
Soil Mechanics Lab
- This lab helps students to work with different types of soil and to find out their bearing capacity.
- The lab is well equipped with CBR machine, casagrandes apparatus, triaxial testing machine, proctor test etc.
Surveying Lab
- Surveying of an area is one of the essential step in the starting of any construction project.
- This lab helps student to measure relative position of points by measuring horizontal distance ,vertical distance and directions.
- This lab is well equipped with theodolite, chains, compass, levelling staff, plane table etc.
- Coming Soon!!!